Leah + Kevin / McDaniel Farm Park Engagement x2

McDaniel Farm Park Rain Engagement Portraits Atlanta_0001.jpg

As you can imagine, what we do is heavily dependent upon the weather... One of our morning rituals is to check the hourly, daily and the weekly forecast.  If there's any chance of rain or other bad weather that could affect our portrait sessions, we contact our clients with our concern immediately to communicate what other options can be.  But, how many of you know that Mr. Weatherman can be wrong sometimes?  On the day that Leah + Kevin's shoot was scheduled, there was barely any chance of rain... but, when we got there, guess what happened?  It poured!  We were bummed, but since we were already there, we asked if they were up for taking a few shots in the rain and get soaked.  They were totally willing!  We always have zip loc bags and plastic bags to cover our gear just in case something like this may happen, so we prepared our gear to go into the rain and get adventurous!  In that moment, I learned something wonderful about our couple... First, I noticed that they were both so understanding of the whole situation.  Even though there was disappointment, they still had a smile on their face and chose to have fun in the midst of the unexpected situation.  Isn't that what life is about?  Life may bring circumstances that we don't want, but how we face it is our choice and how we allow it to affect us is our decision.  I know without a doubt that Leah + Kevin will conquer this thing called marriage well... very well!  I hope that they will look back on this day as an analogy that no matter what happens, nothing will get in the way of the love between them.  And, that even in the midst of a storm, their love will outshine it!

We obviously rescheduled their session to another day, and guess what?  This time, there was no rain drop in sight!  It was a bit chilly, but hey... we'll take that over rain!  We went to the same locations that we originally planned, and it turned out beautiful!  We just loved the way Leah's giggles kept going, going and going.... They were so contagious!  Leah and Kevin both had smiles that were so easy to capture.  Nothing about them was awkward or anything!  They posed like they had years of experience in modeling.  And speaking of modeling... oh my gosh, they looked like models!  We loved the outfits that they chose.  They defined "picture perfect" and were very photogenic.  We had the best time hanging out with these two... seriously one of the sweetest couples we've seen yet.  And to top everything off, Leah did something sweet that no bride has ever done during an engagement shoot.  She cried in the middle of the shoot... They were happy tears... tears that come when things in life are overwhelmingly good and you just can't believe that everything is happening.  It made us choke up too!  We will definitely remember them by that moment.  If she cries at her e-session, I can't imagine how much she will on her wedding day.  ;)  Leah + Kevin, we can't wait to see you both again on the day that you get to call one another husband and wife!  We already know that it's going to be one special day, and we can't wait to capture it for you... Thank you for being so amazing and making our jobs so fulfilling!  You guys rock!  :)  

With much love,

Craig + Unchong