Patrice + Johnathan / Ashton Gardens Wedding

I will forever remember Patrice + Johnathan's wedding for many reasons... We met this amazing couple during another bride's wedding last fall, and we connected right away.  Do you remember this couple's engagement portraits from earlier this year?  Yes... we've been patiently waiting for their wedding day to come, and when it did, as expected... it did not disappoint in any way.  When we walked in to greet Patrice as she was getting ready, we just knew it was going to be a good day.  She was so excited!  And Johnathan?  There's no word to describe how stoked he was.  I kid you not, their smiles NEVER left their faces the ENTIRE day... 

During their consultation, we got to know this couple in a deep way.... When we hear someone's story is when we change from "wedding photographers" to friends.  That's our goal with our clients... to learn about them so that our job becomes more than "just taking pictures".  Getting to know them gives us a unique vision for the couple and it allows us to tell a story with each captured moment.  

Patrice and Johnathan were a couple that knew how to appreciate photography and to invest in the right way... I can't tell you how encouraging they always are to us!  Remember from their engagement blog that they're professional models?  For them to be in that industry and compliment our work is mind blowing!  And the trust they give us...  WOW!  We are so blessed by their friendship!  

Their first look was a success (I'll let the photos speak for themselves) and as we waited for their ceremony, many of us who knew the "secret" were in high anticipation!  You see, the "secret" was that Patrice planned an April Fool's joke on Johnathan... Oh yeah, did I mention that their wedding date was April 1st?  :)  Patrice planned to have another bride walk down the aisle and then hold up a sign that said, "April Fools!" She told us of this plan, and we just couldn't believe it!  What a GREAT idea!  We were totally ready for this to happen, and when the "fake bride" held up that sign, I can't tell you the cheer that roared among the guests.  There were just so much laughter.  We laughed like crazy too!  After that, the one moment I will never forget from this wedding was when everyone turned to look for the true bride.... They opened the door and there she was.... Patrice with her arm linked to her father who was handsomely dressed in his uniform and proudly presented his daughter.  Let me tell you.... we have been to countless weddings.  We go to one almost every weekend, and I have never, ever heard guests literally just gasp as they saw the stunning bride.  She walked in with the brightest smile I've ever seen.  Jonathan's expression as he gazed at his bride was simply priceless.  What a moment!  I know that she was feeling many emotions as she was walking down that aisle as well as her father and sister too.  You see, this family lost a loved one not too long ago... her beloved mom.  I couldn't help but drop a tear as I saw the empty space that they left her mom in the front row seat with her photo.  And Johnathan and his family?  He lost someone too... his father.  I know of what that feels like because I too lost my father five years ago. It was hard and still is not easy now.  But despite that emptiness and sorrow, we celebrated with THE ONE that gives us joy that surpasses it all.  Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose presence was so strong this day!   His spirit was so evident... They rejoiced, rejoiced and again rejoiced knowing that this was a good day.  The BEST day of their lives... This is why stories matter to us.

Without further ado, here's Patrice + Jonathan's wedding story...