MONA + JAMES/ Philips Arena & Buckhead Engagement

Almost a year ago, we met with Mona + James at our fav place to meet our clients... Cafe Intermezzo!  I remember being so happy to be there because as many of you know, we have three children, so I don't get to go to all the consultations, but on this day, I had the opportunity!  Getting to know our clients and what's important to them is my favorite part of my job... Hearing people's stories is what moves me and gives me meaning to what we do.  Stories are so inspirational because everyone has one and there's not two that's alike.  As Mona and James shared how they met, you could literally see the twinkle in their eyes as they were reliving it to tell us of where they met, how they met and why they fell in love.  As you'll see in the photographs below, I think you'll agree with me that Mona has the sweetest smile ever.  She also has a sweet heart which has made working with her such a pleasure.  James is hilarious and we just love his humor!  They met each other at Philips Arena (which is why we started off their e-session there by the way), and it was the cutest thing to see James completely adore this stunning lady.  Mona is completely in love with her handsome groom who loves making her laugh... 

At the time of the consultation, they were living in NY, but life brought some changes and they now reside in Atlanta.  The heart of Atlanta!  To suburbans like us, it's neat getting to know city folks like Mona and James.  This couple is a smart couple and booked us a year and half in advance.  There's nothing more heart breaking when we get an inquiry and we're already booked!  Mona is a planner, and I so respect that about her.  

I felt awful because we had to schedule their e-session three times because the rain decided to join us on those days.  Well, as they say... third times a charm because it was a beautiful day!  The sky was blue, the clouds were fluffy, there was no sign of rain at all, and it was peak of spring so everything was so freshly green.... It was a bit warm when we first started, but we fought through it and as soon as the sun set, the temperature was perfect!  We took a few shots in front of Philips Arena because that's where their love story began.  I feel like I can hear some of you guys saying, "aw....".  I know, that's what I said too.  :)  From there, we went to Lenox Park and as we were heading to the next location from there, James realized he forgot to bring one of his shirts.  DOH! I think all of our brains started running around trying to figure out what we could do to fix the situation.  Craig offered the shirt he was wearing, but we knew the color just wouldn't work with Mona's dress.  Then, knowing Lenox Mall was right there, we decided to just drive there as fast as we could and just buy a shirt.  BUT!  It was a Sunday, and it was past their early closing time. Another DOH!!!!  Thank God James knew the area really well, so we just followed his lead and we all headed to Target at Lenox.  There was a white shirt that perfect fit James and we were out of there in like 10 minutes.  The reason we were rushed was because sun was setting and we didn't want to miss that crucial golden hour.  Well, we made it in the most perfect time and Craig was able to get all the shots that he had envisioned.  I loved it because we all had fun during this "adventure".  If you know Craig, he is always up for anything spontaneous and adventurous like that.  I love how he is so flexible and something like that is really fun for him.  :) We all laughed and were relieved that it all worked out.  It made me think that you know... that's life and that's marriage.  Things happen sometimes, and it's your choice to either make it ruin your day or be flexible, work together as a team and overcome it together with a smile on your face.  Happiness is an attitude and a choice and this couple knows how to exercise that!

Oh, Mona and James!!! We just can't wait to see you guys again on your wedding day!  You guys are going to look fabulous and more than anything, I know you guys will be a couple who will be joyous and know how to celebrate your most special day!  Don't let your bright smiles ever fade... you guys are perfect for one another, and we are truly grateful to be your photographers.  See you guys in about 5 months!