Gabby + Phanna / Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

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There’s a sweet bride and then there’s Gabby. She has the sweetest smile, the sweetest voice tone with sweet words flowing through… She’s always calm, patient and gentle. When I meet someone like Gabby, it always inspires me to become more like that. Yes, I do need more sweetness, gentleness and patience in my life! When we got to her getting ready location, her planner “revealed” her dress to us, and I just gasped! Ah… I just loved it and it was so fitting for Gabby. Just perfectly elegant! We couldn’t wait for her groom, Phanna, to see her! First look time finally came and as expected, our handsome groom was mesmerized by his beautiful bride. They’re such a perfect match! Light was beautiful for photos, and her planner at Ashton Gardens (she’s amazing!) told us that there was a rental couch from another event that we can take photos with. Craig checked it out and LOVED it! Oh yeah… we are so taking photos with that is what he said! We placed it at the perfect spot for some off camera flash fun and smoke! Oh, you know that we’d bring out our smoke out, right? ;) This shot became our fav shot of the night, and our couple looked fabulous! Ok so… something happens when the light grows dim, the music starts playing and food gets in your belly. The dance floor opened up, and let me tell you… I did not expect our Gabby + Phanna to be dancers, but whoa! They threw it down! AH! I even asked Phanna, “Where did that come from?!” Love it, love it, love it… Professionally, I’m of course so happy and fulfilled when our couple loves their photos, but personally, I love it when our couples have FUN at their reception. When I see them simply happy, dancing and having a good time, my heart is full! That’s why when we see couples not doing much at their reception, we sometimes remind them, “Hey, it’s going to be over very soon, so get out there and dance and have fun!” But, I didn’t need to remind Gabby + Phanna with that at all. They knew what their priorities were and they celebrated the night away. Guys!!!! We are so happy for you both and we can’t wait to get these albums out to you! You guys have been a delight to work with and we wish you a wonderful life together in our beautiful world! Thank you for being who you are!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong