Stephanie + Sydney / Flint Hill & Downtown Norcross Wedding

Flint Hill Downtown Norcross Marriott Northeast Wedding Portraits_0064.jpg

There's something special and unique we remember from every wedding we have shot, but I must say that Stephanie + Sydney's tops them all!  At that very moment, it was stressful and many decisions had to be made quickly, but you know what?  Everything worked out... in fact, it worked out so great that I think every wedding should be like this!!  Traditions are great and sometimes we keep them just out of habit and because it's just "what we do", but sometimes when we break them, it's like a fresh breath of air.  So... what had happened was... As we were finishing up the portraits and guests began arriving, the clouds in the sky were kinda looking funky.  Stephanie + Sydney planned a beautiful outdoor wedding at Flint Hill, but as the ceremony time was approaching, things weren't looking so good.  It wasn't supposed to rain, but hey, when is the forecast ever right?  The clouds began spitting, and we all gasped and said, "oh no....!".  It was decided to delay the ceremony for about 30 minutes because it was expected for the showers to pass pretty fast.  But.... spitting became full on raining and then it poured and poured and POURED!  Oh my... did it pour... Then, it stopped!  I saw a crew of people from the venue as well as THE GROOM and his friends with towels trying to dry off the seats as fast as they could so that they could get the wedding on.  Oh, the heart of our groom, Sydney... That was one of the sweetest things we've witnessed a groom do at his own wedding.  He wanted to do whatever it took to make his bride happy and their dream day to come true.  Everything got dried off and we were going to start until........ the rain decided to show up again.  WHAT?!  Oh my gosh!  It poured again!  My heart just completely broke for our sweet couple.  Craig and I could relate because it rained cats and dogs on our wedding day too except for us, it was literally all day.  We couldn't get even one photo outdoors in natural light.  Well, the rain stopped again and round 2 of drying the seats began.  But nope, the rain kept teasing us... it came back and after a third round, there was just no stopping this rain.  Stephanie + Sydney decided that there's no stopping their fun either!  They were determined to enjoy their wedding day no matter what!  So, they switched things up a bit.... It was announced that they were going to have the reception first and then the ceremony afterwards!  Whaaaaaa???  They did a first look, so this "out of the box" idea was wonderful!  Hey, why not, right?  OK!  So, the decision was made and this show was going to go on!  I loved how their family and friends all waited so patiently.  When Stephanie + Sydney got introduced, there was a complete ROAR from the crowd.  IT WAS AWESOME!  Even us as photographers felt so emotional as everyone just cheered them on.  Stephanie + Sydney walked in with so much energy and joy and laughter.  IT WAS EPIC!  Wow... I remember thinking, "This is what life is about."  This right here is what's important.  You see, what happens to you and your circumstances isn't what determines your life.  How you respond to those circumstances and the choices that you make is what makes you love life and fully live it.  They had a choice.  They had the choice to either allow this awful weather ruin their wedding day OR they were going to make the best of out it and still work it out with joy.  You have no control over weather, but you have every control in how you react to it and approach it.  Stephanie + Sydney were prime examples of this! 

It was a wonderful reception and after everyone was fed and happy, the rain this time really subsided.  It was now dark outside, and the ceremony was going to begin!  I absolutely loved how the night time ceremony looked.  It was so romantic and warm.  The atmosphere of this ceremony was nothing like we've ever experienced.  You could literally feel the love in the air and the anticipation was felt from everyone.  Sydney proudly walked down the aisle and as he turned to greet his bride walking down with her father, there was so much emotion.  Tears of joy fell on both of their faces as well as many friends and family and yup, mine too.  :)  I knew Craig was crying too because he always cries more than me.  ;)  All I can say is wow... just WOW!  Who knew that a wedding could be done this way and be the most beautiful one I've ever seen?  I have so much respect for these two... so much!  Stephanie + Sydney, you guys are one fabulous couple.  Your wedding was simply perfect!  Only you guys could've handled it so well and made it even better than planned.  Bravo to you both!  I have no doubt that you will conquer this thing called life.  This thing called marriage.  You're not going to just survive, you're going to dominate it and excel at all that you do.  Thank you so much for giving us the honor to be part of something so memorable and special.  We adore you guys and wish you a lifetime of joy and happiness.  We hope and pray that these photos will allow you to relive each moment of your wedding day.  Blessings!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong