Alexandra + William / Loews Hotel & The Biltmore Ballroom Atlanta Wedding

The Biltmore Ballroom Atlanta New Years Eve Wedding_0047.jpg

There’s just something about New Year’s Eve… sometimes I don’t know how to think of it. It’s so bitter sweet, you know? It’s exciting that a brand new year is coming, but then again it’s sad that another year has passed. There’s so much hope in the new year and then there are regrets from the old. We hit the 10 year mark as business owners in 2018, so it was quite a year for us. Words can’t describe the gratitude we have in all that has happened in those 10 years. The good and the bad - we are thankful for it all. From 2008-2018, we have shot hundreds and hundreds of weddings, but we have never shot a New Year’s Eve wedding! Say whaaaat? We’ve always wanted to, but we never booked one until Alexandra + William entered our lives! We were so stoked to experience a NYE wedding… We didn’t know what to expect. Will it be a “normal” wedding? Would people party “extra”? I just didn’t know. Well…. no matter what we expected, this wedding exceeded our expectations. Our minds were BLOWN! I can honestly say that this party was THE best I’ve EVER experienced in all the hundreds of weddings that we’ve shot. NUMBER 1 indeed. Wow, wow, wow… The energy in the room was indescribable. Every single person was not just happy, they were ecstatic! Everyone was there ready to celebrate and let me tell you, they did. I don’t like to dance in public much, but my goodness, my body move automatically. I didn't tell it to, but it just couldn’t help itself. The excitement in the air was felt all throughout the night. Alex was breathtakingly beautiful in her stunning dress, and William looked exceptionally handsome. Together, they looked like models and were literally picture perfect. They couldn’t take a bad photo even if they tried. Before the ceremony, they were both full of anticipation… they couldn’t hide it and it was so sweet to see. William’s friends prepared a surprise song for our bride during the ceremony and it was AMAAAAAAZING! They should totally go on a singing show because they were seriously talented. Their ceremony was full of emotions and romantic. Wow… Craig and I kept saying to each other all throughout the night how we couldn’t have ended our year better. This was the most perfect couple and the most perfect wedding to end 2018 and enter 2019 with. Alex + William, you guys were spectacular! I’m running out of adjectives here, but it’s because there’s really no word that’s good enough to describe your wedding day. It has been a pleasure and thank you for being amazing to work with. It was simply a joy to be there with you guys. We celebrate you and pray for endless blessings upon your marriage. We hope that you love your wedding memories….

With much love,

Craig + Unchong