Brittani + Averill / Sawnee Mountain Engagement Portraits

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Over the last decade through our business, we have really been blessed to meet many new people through weddings, meetings and all sorts of gatherings. When you shoot one wedding, it’s like a chain reaction of people that you get to encounter and shoot their weddings too! So, how did we get to meet Brittani + Averill? So, Brittani’s younger sister, Bianca, was a bridesmaid at one of our previous couple’s wedding, Taren + Harrison from almost two years ago. Bianca contacted us through our website asking information for her sister’s upcoming big day. I immediately loved that because I thought it was so sweet of her sister to help her plan the wedding, and if you know me, anytime I see any sibling love, it melts my heart. I daily so desire and pray for a wonderful relationship between our three kids, so when I see that, it gives me so much hope. The booking process was so smooth with this couple and when the time came around to planning their engagement session, I loved working with Brittani. She loves nature and wanted anything with a beautiful nature background. After a few suggestions, they chose Sawnee Mountain. Even though this shoot was in Decemeber, it was actually a gorgeous day and the weather was, dare I say, PERFFECT! I mean, with all the rain that’s been happening here in Georgia this winter, we could not have asked for better weather. The temps were so pleasant. I of course love the gorgeous scenery of this mountain, but I also enjoy going to this location because during the hike up the mountain, we have a chance to get to know our couple. Craig paired up with Averill and I with Brittani and we just talked, you know? They’re from LA and were here in town for the holidays, so just speaking to someone with a different background, different walk of life, who lives on the other side of the country with a 3 hour difference, it’s great to hear a new perspective. Everyone has a story and each story inspires me. It’s interesting how small and big our world is at the same time and these stories remind me of that. I love how big our God is in orchestrating all the intricate details of each person’s life. As expected, they were the sweetest couple to hang out with. I was so thankful for such a great shoot, and I got all of my steps in for the day too thanks to the little hike. ;) The only anxiety I felt during this shoot was when Craig was posing them in a few spots that made me a bit nervous. I kept saying in my head, “Please don’t fall, please don’t fall…” over and over again. :)

Brittani + Averill, you guys have been so wonderful! So happy that our date AND weather worked out while you were in Atlanta. We hope that your holidays were filled with much joy during your stay here with your family, and we can’t wait to see you again this next fall to celebrate you two on your most special day. We hope you LOVE your photos!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong