
Katherine + Aaron / The Avalon & A Random Field Engagement Portraits :)

Katherine + Aaron / The Avalon & A Random Field Engagement Portraits :)

Have you heard of the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are?” One of the things my pastor mentions often is that “You are an average of the 5 people that you hang out with the most.” I agree with these two statement 110% and as parents, we always emphasize to our kids how important it is to make good friends.

Brittani + Averill / Sawnee Mountain Engagement Portraits

Brittani + Averill / Sawnee Mountain Engagement Portraits

Over the last decade through our business, we have really been blessed to meet many new people through weddings, meetings and all sorts of gatherings. When you shoot one wedding, it’s like a chain reaction of people that you get to encounter and shoot their weddings too!

Shayla + Gregory / High Museum & Atlanta Skyline Engagement

Shayla + Gregory / High Museum & Atlanta Skyline Engagement

I’m sure that we’ve all heard, “opposites attract”, right? From my experience, that’s very true, but at the same time, you gotta have a lot in common too. I love that Shayla + Gregory incorporated something that they love into their engagement shoot.

Christine + Eugene / Old Factory Engagement

Christine + Eugene / Old Factory Engagement

How do we know Christine + Eugene, you ask?  She's the sister of a friend of a friend of a brother and sister's husband.  LOL  Just kidding... but really, she's my friend's sister-in-law. :)  Our friend referred Christine to us, and it meant so much... Getting new clients through a referral is still the most fulfilling way of growing our business.  

Michele + Jung / Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Engagement

Michele + Jung / Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Engagement

The older I get, the more I realize how small our world is.  Until we met Michele + Jung, we didn't know that we had so many mutual friends!  It's neat how much closer you feel to that person when you have something in common - they call that a "me too" moment, and it literally makes you feel more comfortable with that person. 

Diana + Marcus / Roswell Mill Waterfall Engagement Portraits

Diana + Marcus / Roswell Mill Waterfall Engagement Portraits

I love it when couples choose their engagement portraits location because it means something to them.  Diana asked for a waterfall, but I just thought that that's simply what she wanted.  But on the day of the shoot, as we were walking through the VERY muddy path to get to this waterfall, we learned that Diana LOVES waterfalls.