Diana + Vincent / Sonesta & Royal China Wedding

Sonesta Hotel Royal China Wedding Portraits_0043.jpg

They say that it takes a village to raise a child. Being a parent of three children, I totally agree! But, it’s not just in raising a child, it applies to everything in your life especially your wedding day. We are not meant to live this life alone, so community is not just important, but crucial. We need each other, don’t we? I sometimes wonder what we would have done when our community or circle of friends weren’t there when we went through obstacles or life changes. When there’s no friend to call when you need help - what would you do? We are created and meant to be with each other, to lift each other up… to cry and to laugh together. That’s why being in a team is so important. It’s a skill that everyone needs to not just survive, but really succeed and thrive in all areas of life. Well, I think Diana + Vincent has really gotten that part of life down! If you want community, you definitely need to go to them for advice because they have it! WOW! They are surrounded by so many friends and family who dearly love and adore them. I feel like if anyone starts a meal chain for them, they would have a meal for two years straight. What a blessing! They say, “show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are.” There can’t be more of a true statement. This is something we tell our kids over and over and over… “make good friends!” At Diana + Vincent’s wedding, I witnessed something I never have on a wedding day. Now, we have shot around 400 weddings over the last 11 years and we have not seen such serving wedding party. Their bridesmaids and groomsmen went to work! First, they got themselves ready on time so we were able to get all the portraits done without any stress and on time. It was raining, so there’s added stress there, but because they were so cooperative and punctual, everything ran smoothly. After we got to the venue, they worked on a charcuterie board like I’ve never seen before. They ALL got to work and diligently, productively and efficiently produce the biggest and the fanciest charcuterie board I’ve ever seen in my life! It was massive ya’ll! I mean, it had to be in order to feed 500 people! And those 500 people demolished it! Now, I’m old enough to know that friends like that just don’t come for free. Like I always say, “ain’t nothing free….”. I know that our beloved couple has friends like that because they were good friends to them. Friendships go both ways. Seeing their friends made me realize that our couple is so generous and have a servant’s heart. It was a beautiful sight! I love being able to witness “love in action” like that… isn’t that what life is all about? Yes, their wedding was beautiful, moving and fun, but to me, that is what stood out the most. These folks didn’t just come to another wedding, they came to genuinely celebrate their friends… they came because they were happy for them. They came because they wanted to uplift them and wish them a wonderful life together. They came to partake in that joy. As soon as the dance floor began, dancing never stopped. Most dance floors start off slow, then there’s a peak and then it slow down. No, not this one! This one was at the peak from the beginning to the end! There was so much dancing going on even on the stage that I at one point really thought that the stage was going to collapse! That’s what you call a wedding reception! Diana + Vincent, your wedding broke the record in the biggest wedding for us, but we will remember your wedding as the most loving one to date. The love between you guys was so apparent as well as from your friends and family. I admire your authenticity. Thank you for checking up on us to make sure we ate and that everything was ok. You guys are both so thoughtful… you are so selfless and we love that about you. It’s no wonder that so many gathered to celebrate your union. I know that your marriage will make an impact to those around you in ways you can’t imagine. Your beauty on the outside is pretty obvious (just look at the photos!), but your character is what truly shines. Thank you for everything… it was an honor to be part of your big day and to capture it. We are so happy that you chose us! Have the BEST marriage and we can’t wait to see what Diana + Vincent juniors look like! ;)

With much love,

Craig + Unchong