Jewel + Eric / CO Backstage Pass One Light Tutorial

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Friends… I don’t know about you, but I can’t live without them. I’m an only child, and growing up and even now, I’ve always dreamed of having a real sister or brother. I always wondered what it would be like to have someone who just “gets you.” What it would be like to have a sibling fight or even an uncontrollable laughter that only you can share with them. What it would be like to talk about your parents, family struggles and joy that only they can understand. What it would be like for my kids to have cousins, aunts and uncles to invite to their recitals and any celebrations without feeling you’re burdening them. Because of these longings, I never wanted to have just one child… I really wanted to give them the life time experience of siblings and my hope is that they grow up to be best friends. I pray that they will forever be there for one another in a heart beat when they need each other. That even one day when Craig and I are not here, they are able to share that grief and sorrow together and celebrate life’s goodness with one another. But, this isn’t a pity party blog post about me because although I’ve struggled with those desires, God blessed me to experience sisterhood and brotherhood through my dear friends who I feel like are my true family, and our next couple is one of them. We actually have not known this couple for a very long time. It’s been only about 3 years, but what a journey of friendship those years have been. How did we meet, you ask? They were our clients 3 years ago! We shot their wedding! Isn’t that amazing? Becoming friends with our clients is by far my MOST fav part of our job. They’re like our best friends now, and I just love sharing everything with them! As a parent, I can’t help but be friends with people who genuinely love our kids. And let me tell ya… our kids ADORE them! They get so excited when Uncle Eric and Auntie Jewel come over, and that literally gets me choked up. Our kids think Jewel + Eric are THEIR friends when they come over and that I set up a playdate for them to play. LOL Our son especially loves it when Eric plays with him so lovingly just like an uncle would. How God fulfills those little voids in my heart has been remarkable to see, and we are very grateful.

Every time I see them, I can always sense nothing but love. They have the most beautiful marriage, but more than anything, their relationship with the Lord is pretty incredible to witness. His light really shines through them and the compassion that they have for people is admirable. Craig and I can just be who we are with them. I have never met anyone where I didn’t feel judged 100%. They just understand and WANT to understand. Our times together isn’t just about having fun although I love that, but they really want to get to know us and CARE.

And, if we need something, they will try their very best to be there for us and wow… that is priceless! We needed a model for our tutorial for our new CO Backstage Pass business for photographers, and they made it happen for us. We had the best time and getting to know them in a different setting was wonderful too. They’re beautiful, aren’t they? I truly feel like they’re my brother and sister… something like this is only possible through Jesus, and I praise Him for that. They’ve been so supportive and encouraging as we took this leap of faith with our new business, and Eric and Jewel, we thank you. Our entire family loves you guys so much! Thank you for being role models to us and to our children. We have already learned so much from you…. We can’t wait to do more things in life with you guys, and yes, Disney is definitely on our “bucket list with Jewel + Eric.” ;) We hope that you enjoy these photos that captures your marriage so beautifully…. thank you once again for helping us out! May God continue to bless all that you do. You guys are always in our prayers…

With much love,

Craig + Unchong

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