Samantha + Tyler / Four Season Atlanta Wedding

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We have been blogging since we began our business. I can’t believe that 2019 is our 11th year. Wow…! I love blogging because there are many pieces to a wedding… the first inquiry, then the consultation, the planning of the engagement session, the planning of the wedding, the actual wedding day, the editing, then the BLOGGING and everything in between. After this, we deliver the photos to the clients and await their reaction! Blogging in a sense is our way of presenting the photos to our clients as their complete wedding story. This is the part where we see it all come together and it just completes everything. It’s very fulfilling and as I scroll down the photos, it gives me chills every time. As I look at every photo, I reminisce in how and why and when we got the shot. If I as the photographer feel this way, I can’t imagine what the bride and groom feel like when they view the images. I feel that it would be even more special because they get to see shots that they didn’t even know was happening. You can’t be everywhere when you’re the bride and the groom and see all that’s going on which makes wedding photography that much more special and valuable.

With Samantha + Tyler’s wedding, we had much anticipation since last year. You see, some things happened in their lives, and it was heart breaking, but together as a family, they grieved together, fought through together and overcame. We shared some tears as well and through that, our hearts were so invested into Samantha + Tyler and their wedding day. It just made everything that much more special. We realized through this family, that our job is not just “taking photos”. It’s an opportunity to love…. as cliche as that may sound, we really do have a unique job. An opportunity to love on someone especially on a day like their wedding day doesn’t come to just anyone or any day. We take it as a privilege and an honor. We shoot a wedding almost every weekend, but we remember each one so vividly. When we first walked into the hotel room where Samantha and her bridesmaids and mom were getting ready in, I remember Samantha had her eyes closed getting her makeup done. Her mom kindly introduced herself to me, and it was so awesome to finally meet her in person. Craig had already met her at their consultation…. I’ve only heard of how sweet she was. She showed us around, introduced us to everyone and gave us all the details like the invitations and jewelry to get all started. Loved how everyone was all ready to go…. there was just the perfect amount of laughter, peace and joy in the room. I gasped when Samantha got into her dress because it was that breathtaking. The details on her dress were just WOW! And then her veil… oh my word. Everything came together so well and she was STUNNING! You don’t have to take my word for it because the photos prove her beauty! But you know what? As they say, “beauty is within…” and that’s so true. Samantha really was a sweet bride and didn’t have an ounce of ‘bridezilla syndrome”. It was one of the easiest weddings to shoot for us. I mean, what more could a photographer ask for? Beautiful and on time? Yup, if we have those two things, I have no complaints! On top of all this, we got to shoot at one of our fav venues at the Four Seasons Hotel in Atlanta. We are preferred vendors here and their staff is…. there’s not even a word. I just feel so “in sync” with everyone there. Everyone is such a professional and very experienced. It’s like, we can just look at each other and just know what we need and know how to work as a team. It’s effortless! (Want to check it out for your wedding? Ask for Shannon - she is amazing!)

Now, let’s talk about Tyler! Our groom was THE best! He was the friendliest groom I’ve met yet! After meeting him, Craig said, “Isn’t he so nice?” I said, “YEAH!” So, during the ceremony, Craig’s priority is always the bride and mine is the groom. If Craig needs me to change that priority, he will signal me through our walkie talkie and our own “sign language”. I actually never get to see the bride walking down the aisle because my camera is always on the groom especially when she’s walking in. I can only imagine what her entrance is like by the reaction of the groom. As Tyler stood there, a bit nervous, a bit excited, a bit of every emotion I’m sure, he began to shed tears. When he had to wipe them with his tissue, you could just sense how much love he felt for his bride. I love it when the groom exchanges a few words with his best man too. They had THE funniest officiant EVER. I laughed so much because his message was really good and FUNNY!

Samantha + Tyler, we thank you! Thank you for it all! You guys have been incredible to work with and we wish you allllllll the best in everything that you do. You guys are such a blessing to everyone around you and you’re most definitely to us! We hope that you LOVE your wedding photos and will forever cherish these captured memories for the rest of your lives.

With much love,

Craig + Unchong