Fauntleroy Family Portraits

Grass Field Family Portratis Sunset Atlanta_0032.jpg

I remember when my mom used to always say to me, “One day, you’ll understand.” I’m sure that every mother has said that to their kids, and what’s ironic is that I’m saying that to mine now too. Yes, I do understand now. I’m sure there are even more things that I’ll soon understand, but as I get older, I’m “getting it” more and more. Yes, I do understand how much a parent can love their child. Yes, I do understand how hard it is to raise children, yet it’s the most fulfilling thing on earth. Yes, I understand how much energy it takes to raise a toddler, yet they’re the cutest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I understand that as a father or as a mother, you’d do anything for the sake of your son or your daughter. If it’s for their good, we’d do anything and everything. When you have a child, you begin to understand what sacrifice is… and because of these personal awakenings as parents ourselves, our value for family portraits have grown more now than ever before. As I kids grow, so does our love for family portraits. It means even more when the parents were one of your bride and groom from before! Christen + Sean got married a few years in Florida, and we had the privilege of capturing that day. They now have their son, and it’s already our second portrait session with them. How blessed are we to be able to have this annual tradition with them?! This year, Christen wanted a backdrop with a tall grass field. There was a perfect one literally a block away from our home, so we did it there! Their son grew SO MUCH, and seriously… isn’t he so cute?! Why do kids grow up so fast…..? Christen + Sean, you guys are doing an amazing job being the best daddy and mommy! Just look at your son and look how beautiful you guys are as a family. We are grateful that we get to see you every year to make these wonderful memories for you. Thank you for coming to us again, and we hope that you love your portraits! Have the best rest of the summer, and we can’t wait to see you again next year!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong