Athana + Calvin / Ponce City Market & City Skyline Sunset in the Rain

Ponce City Market Atlanta Skyline Sunset Portraits Wedding_0028.jpg

Ten years…. an entire decade. I remember when we reached this milestone. It was a big deal because it is! I absolutely love celebrating special milestones, and I love people who do the same. You should never just let it pass by. Yes, life does fly by because in our society, we all live our lives too busy. That’s the excuse for everything and everyone, so we must choose to stop and enjoy one another. If you don’t make intentional choices for quality time, one day, I know I will find myself wondering what happened. Quality time is a top priority for our family, so when I see others value it as much as we do, I appreciate it greatly. Last year which is over six months ago, Calvin contacted us saying that their 10 year anniversary was coming up in the summer and that he wanted to do a portrait session with his wife and present her with a new ring. The way he described what he wanted to do sounded so honoring. It gave me chills when I read his email and what he wanted to do for his bride. We planned the details of how he was going to present it to her. As the date approached, Athana and I started texting one another trying to get locations all squared away as well as outfits. She was so sweet to work with, and I was really looking forward to seeing them in person. But, guess what? The forecast called for rain… no, not just rain, a thunderstorm. NO WAY….. This was not good news because with other couples, we would reschedule, but with them, we had no choice. You see, they live in Florida, and they drove to Atlanta just for the shoot and then the next day, they were flying out to Jamaica for their anniversary trip. We had to somehow make it happen. Our plan A was Cator Woolford, but if it rained, it would be Ponce City Market. The skies actually cleared up, but as soon as we parked at Cator Woolford, it rained. Actually, it POURED! There was no way we could even attempt shooting outdoors… So, we didn’t even get out of the car and asked them to meet us at Ponce City Market like we had planned if it rained. We couldn’t believe the thundering, the lightning, the high winds… oh my word, what was happening??? But, everything happens for a reason and it always works out! As soon as we got to the market, it started clearing up again. It drizzled here and there a little, but the rain was light enough for us to shoot in various parts of the market. It worked out even better than what we had planned because Athana actually liked the market even more. We kept saying to one another how when things don’t go as planned, it’s ok and that sometimes the change of plans work out to be even better, and it did! I absolutely loved their happy and positive personalities. Even through the changes and the storm, they didn’t just smile, but laughed the entire time. Their smiles and giggles were so contagious… It made me so happy that our clients are amazing. And yes, the ring? Oh yeah… see her reaction for yourself in the photos and her new bling, bling! Athana’s smile couldn’t get bigger! We were so stoked for this couple! They were looking forward to being in Jamaica for a week. Just the two of them… nothing to worry about or think about. Just enjoying each other’s company in paradise! I love that they planned a wonderful vacation for the two of them. Athana + Calvin, you guys were so FABULOUS! We had such a sweet time with you and we appreciate your flexibility and willingness to make everything work out. Your marriage is one of the best I’ve seen, and we pray that it only grows stronger and better and that you choose to continue to celebrate one another. Thank you for coming to us to capture this special time of your lives. It was an absolute pleasure….

With much love,

Craig + Unchong