
Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Did you know? Craig and I met while serving at our church’s youth ministry together. We served there because we LOVED it! We both love teenagers… my favorite part is just talking to them and seeing their eyes sparkle as their share their dreams, hopes and goals.

Jasmine + Aiden / Ponce City Market & Jackson Street Bridge Engagement

Jasmine + Aiden / Ponce City Market & Jackson Street Bridge Engagement

Ya’ll… How is it that we knew this bride when she was a teenager? What is going on? Craig and I served in the youth ministry together for several years, and she was one of the students there. Even back then, she was beautiful, smart, responsible, and an all around great human being.

Joshua / Atlanta Skyline and Mural Senior Portraits

Joshua / Atlanta Skyline and Mural Senior Portraits

Time… how and why is it going faster? Not sure if it’s true, but “they” say that there’s a hormone that we get as we get older that literally makes time seem go faster. I’m beginning to believe this more and more because the more I age, the more I can’t keep up with time.

Nina + Jason / At Home with Friends & Family Wedding

Nina + Jason / At Home with Friends & Family Wedding

Every few years or so, there’s a “popular” date in the wedding industry, and this year, it was 10/10/20. That’s right! That date broke the record of how many inquiries we received for one date. I’m not even exaggerating… I think we received over 30.

Lakeya + Jermaine / Buckhead & Outcast Mural Engagement Portraits

Lakeya + Jermaine / Buckhead & Outcast Mural Engagement Portraits

To be honest with you, sometimes I’ve wondered if posting on Instagram, Facebook, writing blogs, emails or anything like that “works”. Is it doing anything for our business? Is it making any kind of impact? Is anyone really reading the stuff we write?

Lindsay + Tony / Jackson St. Bridge Atlanta Skyline & Outcast Mural Engagement

Lindsay + Tony / Jackson St. Bridge Atlanta Skyline & Outcast Mural Engagement

God’s timing is always perfect. He doesn’t miss a beat. Sometimes, I don’t understand it, but I trust in Him because I’m not capable of comprehending His omnipotence. As we are all aware, our nation is going through a heartache, and we are hurting. The timing of this blog post is not a coincidence to me because of who this post is about, and it’s about Lindsay + Tony!