
Amy + Collin / Buford Community Center Wedding

Amy + Collin / Buford Community Center Wedding

Gosh…. where do I even begin with this blog post?! I just have so much to say that it’s hard to organize all of my thoughts. OK here I go… So, over all the years that we’ve been in business, we have been privileged enough to meet some amazing folks along the way.

Leah + Christian / The Biltmore Ballroom Atlanta Wedding

Leah + Christian / The Biltmore Ballroom Atlanta Wedding

Customer service… yes, that’s a big part of business. In fact, in my opinion, that is the heartbeat of any business. Because in the end, what matters is people. People may think that they’re purchasing some”thing” or a product, but it’s really the experience. What they “feel” is what they’re investing in. If it doesn’t make them feel good, it will not be a good purchase.

Ashley + Bryan / Buford Community Center Wedding

Ashley + Bryan / Buford Community Center Wedding

Going to Ashely + Bryan's wedding, I had no doubt that it was going to be a fabulous day.  If you remember their engagement shoot, it was gorgeous... Learning their style through that shoot gave us high expectations for their wedding and of course, they exceeded them!  Ashley's dress was just amazing and it had a unique quality that we just loved!  

Kat + Kevin / Thompson House Wedding

Kat + Kevin / Thompson House Wedding

About a year ago, Kat inquired us through her venue’s website… It’s needless to say that we connected and here we are now blogging her wedding day!  Oh, I just can’t tell you guys how much I love this couple… So… we did something different tonight.