Bridesmaids Gift Ideas // Bridesmaid Gifts Boutique

Bridesmaids Gift Ideas // Bridesmaid Gifts Boutique

This summer has been like no other… Our oldest is going to middle school in the fall, so it’s been quite a milestone for us as a family. She graduated elementary school, and I know it’s probably not a big deal for parents who have older parents, but we still can’t believe it.

CO Designs // Our New Dining Room // Modern meets Farmhouse

CO Designs // Our New Dining Room // Modern meets Farmhouse

So… this is one of those projects around the house that got dragged on and on. Craig shiplapped a wall of this room and painted the rest like a year ago. Yikes! Somehow, life just passed by us so fast and every time I went to design it, something just didn’t feel right. It didn’t look right.

#COKids Themed Portraits / Unique Memories For a Lifetime

#COKids Themed Portraits / Unique Memories For a Lifetime

As parents, don’t you want to freeze time sometimes?  Don’t you ever look at your child and wonder, “Wow…. I wish she could stay like this forever.” or “I really love the stage that he’s in right now.”  As parents ourselves, we too have felt that way many times and still do…. and you know as well as I that kids grow up fast and you want to do whatever you can to remember every stage and what they liked or were into during that time.  

Salzburg, Austria Adventures // Sound of Music, Snow and a Massage!

Salzburg, Austria Adventures // Sound of Music, Snow and a Massage!

Oh, Sound of Music… Julie Andrews… Growing up, these were a few of my favorite things. :) (You see what I did there? hehe) I remember watching Sound of Music and Mary Poppins over and over and over again. My mom got me both of the movies on VHS (I hope you know what those are.) and I probably watched those two movies more than a thousand times.

Vienna... My New Favorite City

Vienna... My New Favorite City

If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, I think by now you know that Craig and I returned from our anniversary trip to Austria!  I'm still processing everything that we experienced there together.  It's still surreal to me that I was in Europe.  

CO Designs // Our Own Space

CO Designs // Our Own Space

If you're a parent reading this blog, I think we can all agree that we need our own little quiet space sometimes.  You know, from humans called children?  ;)  I grew up as an only child and I'm still not used to all the "noise".  As a mother of three, silence is all I need and want.  

CO Designs // Shiplap Wall Gallery

CO Designs // Shiplap Wall Gallery

As photographers, it's the most heart breaking thing when photos just stay in hard drives.  Photographs are meant to become art in your home!  One of my favorite thing to do is help our clients design the empty walls of their home and make it come alive! Seeing our clients' expressions when they receive canvases, prints or albums is absolutely priceless! Your photographs are one of a kind, unique art that you should show off!  

CO Designs // Our Prayer Room

CO Designs // Our Prayer Room

How many of you have a room in your home that you don't really use?  For us, it was our dining room... We put dining furniture there because that's just what you do.  For many years, I looked into that room and wondered why we even have it when for us, all we did was eat there once a year on Thanksgiving Day.  Since last year, God has been stirring in me a need to pray more and to create a space for this purpose in our home.  

2018 Birthday // I did NOTHING!

2018 Birthday // I did NOTHING!

“I know you’re busy, but….”

“Wow, your business seems to be doing well.  You guys are staying busy, huh?" 

“Being busy is a good problem to have!”

‘BUSY’ is the word that I’m still trying to figure out the definition of.  What does that really mean?  I feel that whether we want to admit it or not, we feel valued when we are busy.