Grace + Russell / Delta Plane Museum Engagement

Grace + Russell / Delta Plane Museum Engagement

Some people have the gift of making you feel like family... To be able to make a total stranger feel like you've known them for years is something that you can't really teach.  It just comes naturally... That is something that Grace + Russell have - I call it magical.  So, how do we know them?  

Gabrielle + Phanna / Downtown Decatur & Roswell Mill Engagement Portraits

Gabrielle + Phanna / Downtown Decatur & Roswell Mill Engagement Portraits

So, is the world big or small?  Because there's a saying, "It's a big world out there" and then people say, "It's a small world..." So, which is it?  ;)  Well, for this story, it's a small world.  We got referred to Gabby + Phanna from one of other brides and then when they came to the shoot, they told us another crazy story!  

CO Designs // Our Own Space

CO Designs // Our Own Space

If you're a parent reading this blog, I think we can all agree that we need our own little quiet space sometimes.  You know, from humans called children?  ;)  I grew up as an only child and I'm still not used to all the "noise".  As a mother of three, silence is all I need and want.  

Darby + Cody / Lambert's Vintage Wines West Virginia Wedding

Darby + Cody / Lambert's Vintage Wines West Virginia Wedding

So... we booked Darby + Cody's wedding months ago and knew that our trip to West Virginia was coming for awhile. When we have destination weddings, we try to drive it because we just don't like to take any risk with our equipment getting lost or damaged if at all possible.  Plus, we like road trips especially Craig... we love the scenery and sometimes we so wish we had a couple to take photos of when we see some magical places as we drive by them.  

Emily + Cameron / McDaniel Farm Park River Engagement

Emily + Cameron / McDaniel Farm Park River Engagement

Perfection.  What does that really mean?  If it doesn't exist as people claim, then how does the definition of it exist?  In my opinion, perfection is real.... it's just about perspective.  Looking through these photos once again, I remember this day so clearly because it was perfect.  

Zehra + Mohsin / Hilton Atlanta Northeast Wedding

Zehra + Mohsin / Hilton Atlanta Northeast Wedding

We got to spend not one, but three days with Zehra + Mohsin!  Just as culture is different, it's fascinating to see how every culture has their own way of doing weddings.  Where did these traditions come from?  How did they implement the traditions?  

Mimi + John / Savannah River Rapids & Buckhead Atlanta Portraits

Mimi + John / Savannah River Rapids & Buckhead Atlanta Portraits

For Mimi + John's session, we got to see them not once, but twice!  They had a special engagement ceremony in Augusta back in May and so we did some portraits for them there, and then this month, they came up to Atlanta to get some city shots here.  

CO Designs // Shiplap Wall Gallery

CO Designs // Shiplap Wall Gallery

As photographers, it's the most heart breaking thing when photos just stay in hard drives.  Photographs are meant to become art in your home!  One of my favorite thing to do is help our clients design the empty walls of their home and make it come alive! Seeing our clients' expressions when they receive canvases, prints or albums is absolutely priceless! Your photographs are one of a kind, unique art that you should show off!  

Brittney + Kyle / Piedmont Park Post Wedding Portraits

Brittney + Kyle / Piedmont Park Post Wedding Portraits

One of the most common questions we get is, "How do you get your clients?"  We meet them through many different ways, but one of the ways is at weddings!  We meet at least one engaged couple who is very interested in our photography and we book them!  And yes, this is how I met Kyle for the first time!  

CO Designs // Our Prayer Room

CO Designs // Our Prayer Room

How many of you have a room in your home that you don't really use?  For us, it was our dining room... We put dining furniture there because that's just what you do.  For many years, I looked into that room and wondered why we even have it when for us, all we did was eat there once a year on Thanksgiving Day.  Since last year, God has been stirring in me a need to pray more and to create a space for this purpose in our home.