
Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Did you know? Craig and I met while serving at our church’s youth ministry together. We served there because we LOVED it! We both love teenagers… my favorite part is just talking to them and seeing their eyes sparkle as their share their dreams, hopes and goals.

Jasmine + Aiden / Ponce City Market & Jackson Street Bridge Engagement

Jasmine + Aiden / Ponce City Market & Jackson Street Bridge Engagement

Ya’ll… How is it that we knew this bride when she was a teenager? What is going on? Craig and I served in the youth ministry together for several years, and she was one of the students there. Even back then, she was beautiful, smart, responsible, and an all around great human being.

Doria + Dexter / Downtown Decatur & Mercedes Benz Stadium Engagement Portraits

Doria + Dexter / Downtown Decatur & Mercedes Benz Stadium Engagement Portraits

In a person, character is everything. Don’t you agree? Our society may put a lot of value in fame, money, looks, materials and just stuff, but you know what? In the end, it’s your heart that matters the most. Day in and day out, we meet new people.

Christianne + Leo / Piedmont Park and Ponce City Adoption Portraits

Christianne + Leo / Piedmont Park and Ponce City Adoption Portraits

The way someone chooses to spend their time, effort and money inspires me. We have known Leo + Christianne for many years, especially Leo. Wow, now that I’m counting as I’m writing this blog, I can’t believe that it’s been 15 years. Holy cow!  Craig and I knew Leo when we were all young and single. We all hung out with other mutual friends from our church.

Gabrielle + Phanna / Downtown Decatur & Roswell Mill Engagement Portraits

Gabrielle + Phanna / Downtown Decatur & Roswell Mill Engagement Portraits

So, is the world big or small?  Because there's a saying, "It's a big world out there" and then people say, "It's a small world..." So, which is it?  ;)  Well, for this story, it's a small world.  We got referred to Gabby + Phanna from one of other brides and then when they came to the shoot, they told us another crazy story!  

Benny + Bella / The Atrium Downtown Norcross & High Museum Wedding

Benny + Bella / The Atrium Downtown Norcross & High Museum Wedding

Thx to Google, we met this beautiful couple... Benny googled, "Photographers who shot at the Atrium" one day and found some images taken by us.  So, he contact us through our website and we connected.  He said, "Your photos intrigued me."  (Benny, do you remember writing that email?)  When we found out that he was a designer at Coca Cola, we knew that he has an appreciation of art, of creativity and of photography.