Mona + James/ Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Ashton Gardens Sugar Hill City Hall Wedding_0093.jpg

At the end of a wedding day, the most memorable part that we take home with us are all the emotions that we experienced with our couple.  When we first begin the day, we meet our bride first as she starts getting ready and anticipates what's to come.  Mona was very happy as she always is, but you could tell that as the time kept ticking, she was getting very excited and a bit nervous to see her groom during their first look.  Her smile never left her, and with her sweet sister by her side, we headed to their first look spot.  As she approached her groom, James could not hide his excitement.  As he turned to see his beautiful bride, it was as if they fell in love all over again.  Their eyes locked and the joy that they were both feeling was so powerful that we could even feel it!  After the portraits, we headed to Ashton Gardens to get ready for their ceremony.  Even though they already had their first look, James still couldn't hold back his emotions, and tears rolled down his face as Mona walked down the aisle to meet him at the altar to become his wife forever.  These emotions get me every time!  Ah!!!!!  Their ceremony was so sweet and there were so many emotional moments during the ceremony where happy tears came for the couple as well as their family and friends... This is what weddings are all about.  This is why we love our job.  Just when we thought happy tears would turn into just happy laughter and dancing during the reception, happy tears came again when the couple presented the guests with a gorgeous, choreographed dance.  And then......!  The father of the bride gave the most amazing speech that got me not just teary, but crying, and it took everything in me to not have a melt down.  And when we cry at a wedding which we do at every single one of them, we have to quickly wipe those tears away because we have to you know... take photos!  LOL!  If you ever see us wiping our camera frantically, it's because the tears are smearing onto the camera and all over our eyes.  LOL  As photographers however, feeling those emotions make us capture it all the more better, so we love it.  And then.....!  We thought it was over, but the father of the groom gave a speech too and oh my goodness.... it happened again.  :)  Wow!  How blessed are Mona and James for having such loving fathers in their lives.  Not just their dads, but their moms and family were all just amazing.  For us, the speeches from the two fathers are ones that we will never forget.  Mona + James, thank you for giving us such an amazing wedding experience and reminding us what weddings are all about.  Your wedding day was gorgeous, but what mattered most was even more unforgettable.  The love between you, your family and friends... it was all priceless.  It was a joy for us to witness you guys have such a wonderful time and experience your most special day in the best way possible.  Thank you for giving us the honor to capture it for you.  We hope that you love them all!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong