
Jenny + Maarten / The Georgian Terrace & Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Wedding

Jenny + Maarten / The Georgian Terrace & Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Wedding

Ok… so, let me begin this blog post with a little disclaimer. Everything we write on our blog is true. Now, honestly, I may not share negative experiences bluntly, but all the positive experiences really happened and are honest and true. With that being said, I’m going to be totally honest about something.

Mona + James/ Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

Mona + James/ Ashton Gardens Atlanta Wedding

At the end of a wedding day, the most memorable part that we take home with us are all the emotions that we experienced with our couple.  When we first begin the day, we meet our bride first as she starts getting ready and anticipates what's to come.

Connect Retreat 2017 // God Wanted Us There

Connect Retreat 2017 // God Wanted Us There

Online, it may seem that our business is everything to us.  It may seem that all we do is go to photo shoots everyday and that all we talk about are weddings and photography.  Yes, we of course love it and it's our passion to be in love with photography and our clients; however, there's something else that we love more and that's each other.  Without our marriage, none of what we do would even matter and it wouldn't exist.