Victoria + Melvin / Ashton Gardens Wedding

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From these photos, there’s no doubt that Victoria was stunning in her dress, that Melvin was completely dapper and that every detail of this wedding was beautiful. Yes, all those things are true, but I will remember Tori + Melvin’s wedding by the key emotional moments that will always stand out to me.

Their ceremony was very honoring to the Lord, their parents and to each other. Honor. That’s a word that we don’t hear much anymore in our world. We are called to honor one another with respect and gratitude, and this couple was such a wonderful and Godly example of that. They had the “washing of the feet” for each other. How amazing! That’s a humbling act that Jesus himself did and for them to incorporate that into their ceremony was incredible to witness. What a way to begin a marriage! Tori + Melvin have this gift of making people feel very comfortable… very ‘at home’. I just love and admire that so much! And, if you read our blogs, you know that we cry at every wedding, right? At their wedding, that moment came when Melvin’s tears came rolling during his brother’s speech at the reception. Oh my goodness…. Because we have three kids of our own, I can’t help but see our kids at weddings now! When his brother was speaking, I couldn’t help but think about all the memories that our kids are making together and the love they have for one another although they do fight daily. ;) The speech was fantastic, heart warming and funny, and to see the emotional side of Melvin really made us cry! And then, the music turned on and whoa… just WHOA! Tori + Melvin began dancing like I did not expect. Seriously, where did those moves come from? They had THE best party I’ve seen at a wedding! The dance floor was ‘happening’ ALL night long and this bride and groom danced the ENTIRE time! Usually, the dance floor begins dying off especially at the end, but no… not this one. It was pact and full of energy from the beginning to the end. It was great to see our bride and groom so happy! And yes… when you scroll down, that is our bride, Tori, who became the DJ for a song. The crowd LOVED it!

OH my gosh, Tori + Melvin! Thank you guys SO MUCH for having us on your MOST special day! You guys were beyond amazing to work with. When I see couples like you, it gives me so much hope! Thank you for your faithful hearts and your faithful journey with Jesus. It’s a beautiful sight… and I know that God is so well pleased with you. We wish you both a marriage that everyone around you looks up to. A marriage that grows deeper everyday and a marriage that glorifies God in all that you do. Blessings!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong