Lauren + Adeyinka / Home Sweet Home & Georgia Tech Engagement

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Home sweet home… what does that mean? I don’t know in words what the definition of that may be, but I sure can tell you how I feel when I’m home. No matter how nice a vacation can get, there’s just no place like home. There’s no place where you feel the most safe and free and comfortable. You can just be yourself… you don’t feel judged and even if you are judged, you don’t really care. This is how families become families… we are as real as real can get. We create memories at home that you can’t anywhere else and create bonds with one another that can’t be broken.

For Lauren + Adeyinka’s shoot, we considered a few locations, but in the end, they chose their home, and I love that they did! First, it’s beautiful and how much more intimate can you get? It’s so personal… Craig and I considered doing our family portraits at our home this year too, but we wanted to wait until our kitchen has been renovated first. hehe When Lauren sent us photos of her house especially her kitchen, I was like, “Ok! #jealous!” LOL No really… in all seriousness, their home is so CLEAN and MODERN and BEAUTIFUL! Love their style so much… Their dog was part of the shoot too, and I know, how cute, right??? Oh my gosh… seriously adorable!

And you know how I feel about GA Techies. Yup, they’re the smartest breed of people in the world. ;) Adeyinka went to GA Tech like mua, and Lauren, I just have to say that you got a great man! ;) We were supposed to go to the Foundry Park for the second location, but uh… there was a wedding going on there! OOPS! But hey, you know what? There’s always a backup plan and plans that has to change are always for the better! Look how amazing these two look on top of that parking deck, and it’s so great that Adeyinka got to have photos done at his second home, GA Tech. There are so many sentimental factors that were incorporated into this shoot and that makes it even more special!

Adeyinka + Lauren, you guys have been so awesome! If you look this good at your engagement shoot, I can’t imagine how fabulous you will look on your wedding day. We really can’t wait to see you then and celebrate your union! Until then… take care!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong