Michele + Jung / Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Engagement

Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Engagement Atlanta Portraits15.jpg

The older I get, the more I realize how small our world is.  Until we met Michele + Jung, we didn't know that we had so many mutual friends!  It's neat how much closer you feel to that person when you have something in common - they call that a "me too" moment, and it literally makes you feel more comfortable with that person.  "Comfortable" is the perfect word for this sweet couple's session.  We felt like we've known them for years... they were super friendly and just so nice to work with.  It was finally a nice Spring day!  Not too cold and not too hot.... Michele + Jung came out of the car ready to go with their big smiles and great outfits.  It was fun exchanging text messages with them about outfits and it was so cute when they sent us selfie images of themselves in front of the mirror.  :)  Outfits are a HUGE factor in the outcome of your photos, so we were so happy when they chose such nice and happy spring outfits that went along with the scenery very well.  And seriously, why are all of our clients such smart people?  Let me tell you... Craig and I always feel safe when we are out doing portraits with our clients.  If anything happens, we know that they'll protect us.  Michele is a pharmacist and Jung is a doctor!  We have so many medical duos lately!  And, we learned so much about the letter, "D", more than you would ever know.  (Inside joke) So many things from our past make sense to us now thanks to their knowledge.  So for that, we are very grateful.  Over the counter medicine shopping will never be the same to us.  :)

Loved seeing them feel more comfortable and natural in front of the camera as we went on with the shoot.  They enjoyed it more and more to the point that I think they would not have minded extending their shoot.  One thing that our clients are surprised about is how hard modeling really is.  Staying still is harder than it looks and certain poses can even be painful and achy.  I share with them all the time about how I didn't know how to appreciate the profession of modeling until we started our business.  It's physically and mentally challenging and the skills you have to have is unreal.  

After a shoot like this, I can't explain to you the amount of fulfillment we have in our hearts.  To meet such wonderful people who are just so genuinely kind and encouraging is so priceless.  It makes us happy to see our couples happy... I feel like they fall in love more during the shoots, and it's truly heart warming.  I can't tell you what happened at the end of our shoot, but let me know just say that it ended well. hehe  And boy are we glad it did!  We did not want our bride to leave unhappy.  In our business, we always say, "Happy bride, happy photographer."  Oh, Michele + Jung, you guys were just awesome!  We had the best time spending these few hours with you... thank you 'edumacating' us and making our job so easy.  We hope that you love all of your photos, and we can't wait to create more with you on your wedding day!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong