Katherine + Aaron / The Avalon & A Random Field Engagement Portraits :)

The Avalon Engagement Portraits Field17.jpg

Have you heard of the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are?” One of the things my pastor mentions often is that “You are an average of the 5 people that you hang out with the most.” I agree with these two statements 110% and as parents, we always emphasize to our kids how important it is to make good friends. Friendships are so powerful in your life that it can either build your life or destroy it.

We begin with this because our friend, Grace referred us to Katherine + Aaron, so when we knew that the referral came from Grace, we knew that this couple was going to be amazing. We began our friendship with Grace and her family a few years back through her cousin. Through many gatherings together, we got to know them and started falling in love with their family. They are such beautiful people and their desire to help others is very inspiring.

Sure enough… Craig met with Katherine + Aaron, and of course he came home saying how wonderful they were. Was I surprised? Nope, not at all! I was actually kinda jealous that he got to meet with them, but I had to stay home. But! I made sure to be there for their engagement portraits! Planning the session with Katherine was really fun too. Once we got the location down, it was on to my favorite part of planning which is the outfit consultation! Did you guys know that we offer this for free? We LOVE giving honest feedback to our clients… outfits are such a vital part of the outcome of the photos, so it’s just as important as posing, lighting, etc… But with Katherine’s sense of style, it took no time to put these outfits together and she did an amazing job! Don’t you love her outfits? The two sets that she chose fit the look of the two locations PERFECTLY! At the Avalon, we look for something more trendy, and she was on point with that.

We had such a great time walking around Avalon with them together although it was super HOT. Wow, I know I don't have to remind ya’ll of how long this summer has been, but it’s still so unbelievable to me! We planned this shoot to be a nice, fall shoot, but it totally became a hot summer day shoot. I felt so bad that the weather conditions were not at all ideal, but our couple took it like champs and kept their smiles on their faces. If you look at their photos, you wouldn't be able to tell that we took these in what felt like 110 degrees temperature. No really, it was around 98-100 that day… crazy, right? But, we did it as a team, and when the sun set, it wasn’t too bad. We found this random field not too far from the Avalon, and it was the most gorgeous yellow flower field! Craig totally had a vision for it when we saw it and knew that we had to bring our couple here. Knowing that Katherine’s navy blue dress would just POP against the yellow flowers, we couldn’t WAIT to bring them to the field.

We drove them to and from the field, and I loved talking to them and getting to know them during the drive. One of the things I learned was that Aaron can get hangry, so we made sure to finish on time. LOL I also learned that Katherine was a Kindergarten teacher and listening to how and why she loves her job so much made me gain even more respect for her. I never knew how much teachers did until our kids started going to school. Wow, all the detailed planning and work that goes into educating these kids is just astounding to me! They put so much hard work into it… so much more than we realize. It’s heart breaking to me when I hear some parents just complain - all.the.time. Teachers deserve so much more recognition and pay for sure!

Katherine + Aaron, it’s been a pleasure! And what’s more exciting is that this is only the beginning to our journey together! We still have your BIG day coming up in Spring, and we are so looking forward to celebrating with you! We are going to have such a great time and this time, we are wishing for cooler weather. ;) Thank you for being so wonderful to work with and giving us the honor to capture your love for one another. We hope that you love your photos and until March, take care!!!!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong