The Avalon

Shavieair+ Chad / The Avalon Engagement Portraits

Shavieair+ Chad / The Avalon Engagement Portraits

In the past decade, a person has never taken so many photos. Taking photos is something that we all do almost daily! It’s so readily and easily accessible and memories are being captured like never before. It’s funny how we all take pictures everyday, but there are still “professional” photographers.

Cynthia + Sumesh / Post Wedding Portraits at The Avalon

Cynthia + Sumesh / Post Wedding Portraits at The Avalon

The Avalon is one our favorite places to shoot and we visit there numerous times a year. Even though it’s the same spot, every couple make it so unique and we never get tired of it! Every session becomes so different there because each time, the season is different as well as lighting and everything!

Adaugo + Allen / Post Wedding Portraits The Avalon

Adaugo + Allen / Post Wedding Portraits The Avalon

These days, we have been watching movies with our kids that are inspirational true stories on athletes that have overcome the impossible. I love seeing how it impacts our kids and even if it’s a little, I want them to see what “not quitting” looks like and that they can do the same thing or something even greater.

Natalye + Myles / Sawnee Mountain & The Avalon Engagement

Natalye + Myles / Sawnee Mountain & The Avalon Engagement

As much as we try to document our shoots as much as we can through instastories, blogs and the photos themselves, there are so many things that happen during a shoot that we wish we could show you, but can’t due to all sorts of circumstances.

Katherine + Aaron / The Avalon & A Random Field Engagement Portraits :)

Katherine + Aaron / The Avalon & A Random Field Engagement Portraits :)

Have you heard of the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are?” One of the things my pastor mentions often is that “You are an average of the 5 people that you hang out with the most.” I agree with these two statement 110% and as parents, we always emphasize to our kids how important it is to make good friends.

Bauer Family Portraits / The Avalon

Bauer Family Portraits / The Avalon

Every time I write a blog, it gives me a time of refection. I’m thankful that this is part of my job because I have to do it, and it’s good for me. When you reflect on things, it makes you slow down and really realize how much you do have and how much there is to be thankful for.

Stephanie + Bryan / The Avalon and A Sunset Engagement

Stephanie + Bryan / The Avalon and A Sunset Engagement

Our next bride, Stephanie, is quite special to us in many ways... Can't believe that we're saying this, but we have been knowing her since she was little.  Like really little!  Through our church, we got to know her amazing family.... and to this day, we admire them so much.  Well, one day, Stephanie was all grown up and started working at the same church that we used to.