Malikah + Al / Glendalough Manor Wedding

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Isn’t it interesting how as connected as we seem to be these days through social media, in some ways, the true connections that we have is still the same? It hasn’t really changed…. in my opinion anyways. Even though we can access just about any info in the world through the “palm of our hands”, we still don’t know “everyone” or “everything”. I believe it’s because information doesn’t come with trust, and that’s why, people post on Facebook all the time asking for referrals. People ask, “Does anyone know of a good plumber?” I mean, they could just google it, right? But, that would do nothing but just give a long list of a gazillion people and companies that they have never heard of, but if someone that they trust tell them, “Yes, I do! This guy just fixed our bathroom for me last week. Let me give you his number.” Without any thought, you’d give that person a call because someone you TRUST told you about them. Trust… it’s the foundation of any relationship. Without it, you can’t have one. It’s priceless… Well, we met our next stunning couple, Malikah + Al, through guess what? A referral! Their vendor referred us, and yes…. we are so grateful. I love meeting new clients this way. Because from the beginning, we have a commonality which is the person that referred us. And, that’s how connections truly form…. you can have millions of followers on Instagram and thousands of likes on Facebook, but you know what? In the end, those numbers mean nothing without true relationship that actually happen in real life. And yes, Malikah + Al’s wedding day was real life… It was a beautiful day as expected and Malikah was as happy as ever! Craig has shot at Glendalough Manor before, but it was my first time ever and wow, what a gorgeous venue! There were so many picturesque places to shoot there. Al looked so handsome in his suit and it was great to see him have such a good time with his groomsmen. LOVED the cutes shades that they had made for their wedding day. Their reception was FULL of family and friends that adored them. Loved all the decor and the food? Oh yeah… it was delish! Yummy in my tummy for sure! Malikah + Al, you guys were a delight! Thank you for a wonderful day and welcoming us like family on the best day of your life. We wish you the best of the best marriage and a life that is full of hope, joy and peace.

With much love,

Craig + Unchong