
Alice + Tim / Ponce City Market & Atlanta Skyline Jackson Street Bridge Engagement Portraits

Alice + Tim / Ponce City Market & Atlanta Skyline Jackson Street Bridge Engagement Portraits

“Don’t give up” seems to be the theme in our household this week… or, I guess that’s for life in general. But really… sometimes, I really look back at how far we’ve come along with our photography business and it’s unbelievable.

Marie + Damien / Ponce City Market & Atlanta Skyline Engagement

Marie + Damien / Ponce City Market & Atlanta Skyline Engagement

One day, I watched a YouTube video with my kids about a guy who crossed America to deliver something to a friend. It’s a really cool story, so you if you want to watch it, here’s the link. Well, my biggest takeaway from it was at the end when he said that “It’s not about the journey or even the destination… it’s about the people.”

Athana + Calvin / Ponce City Market & City Skyline Sunset in the Rain

Athana + Calvin / Ponce City Market & City Skyline Sunset in the Rain

Ten years…. an entire decade. I remember when we reached this milestone. It was a big deal because it is! I absolutely love celebrating special milestones, and I love people who do the same. You should never just let it pass by. Yes, life does fly by because in our society, we all live our lives too busy.

Holly + Mason / Atlanta Beltline & Ponce City Market Engagement

Holly + Mason / Atlanta Beltline & Ponce City Market Engagement

We rarely call our clients “clients”. We refer them by name because after getting to know them, they’re not a “customer” anymore, they’re a friend. That’s the most fulfilling and sweetest part of our job. October of this year will mark 11 years in business for us, and it has been quite a journey.

Christianne + Leo / Piedmont Park and Ponce City Adoption Portraits

Christianne + Leo / Piedmont Park and Ponce City Adoption Portraits

The way someone chooses to spend their time, effort and money inspires me. We have known Leo + Christianne for many years, especially Leo. Wow, now that I’m counting as I’m writing this blog, I can’t believe that it’s been 15 years. Holy cow!  Craig and I knew Leo when we were all young and single. We all hung out with other mutual friends from our church.

Zehra + Mohsin / Cator Woolford Gardens & Ponce City Market Engagement

Zehra + Mohsin / Cator Woolford Gardens & Ponce City Market Engagement

It's still kinda crazy to me that some of our clients either fly here or fly us to their location for shoots.  This October marks 10 years of our business which is just crazy wild to believe.  I look back and sometimes it's all a blur because everything happened so fast, but then again, I remember every detail of the journey.