Adriana / McDaniel Farm Park Senior Portraits

Graduation season is upon us, and something about commencement makes us all feel this sense of accomplishment, even when we are not the one graduating! But, it sure does make me remember when I did… It really was a big deal and one of the most fulfilling moments of my life, so yes, we completely understand the significance of this season. It’s no wonder that we have an entire portrait session called, “Senior Portrait Shoot”! Senior sessions are one of our fav portraits to shoot because it really allows the senior to be able to express themselves and simply celebrate everything they went through the last 12-13 years of schooling to get to where they are. One chapter is ending, and another exciting one is beginning soon… This is when you officially have become an adult and can begin the life that you’ve been dreaming of. We were so stoked when Adriana’s mom showed interest in getting her photos done with us. We have been knowing this family a few years now through our girls’ volleyball teams, and it’s been a joy getting to know them. They have become our volleyball family, so getting to photograph for them meant that much more! Their oldest, Adriana, is graduating, and I can only imagine what that’s going to be like when our oldest does the same in just two years. Being parents ourselves really allows us to have more appreciation for this stage of life. I don’t think we will even be able to take photos of our girl because too many tears will be flowing…. more like flood gates will be open. The bond and love in this family is strong and beautiful… I see the genuine support from both mom and dad for their girls. They are so present in all that their girls do. They’re so blessed to have parents who truly love them dearly! Adriana, congratulations and we pray that you continue to thrive in all your future endeavors. Adriana’s mom and dad, it’s been a pleasure serving you, and we hope that you cherish these photos forever! Thank you for choosing us!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong