Senior Portraits

Victoria / West Milford Farm Senior Portraits

Victoria / West Milford Farm Senior Portraits

Senior portraits really hit me differently nowadays because our oldest is only two years away from it… Knowing that and feeling that, we completely understand how sentimental this season is for the seniors and for their parents.

Adriana / McDaniel Farm Park Senior Portraits

Adriana / McDaniel Farm Park Senior Portraits

Graduation season is upon us, and something about commencement makes us all feel this sense of accomplishment, even when we are not the one graduating! But, it sure does make me remember when I did…

McFerrin Family / The Halcyon Family & Lacrosse Senior Portraits

McFerrin Family / The Halcyon Family & Lacrosse Senior Portraits

Running a business has been quite a journey… there’s never a dull moment and there’s never a time where you can just relax. Whether your business is doing well or not, you have keep going, keep advertising, keep innovating, keep getting leads, keep getting better, etc…

Mani Family / Chattahoochee River & The Avalon Portraits

Mani Family / Chattahoochee River & The Avalon Portraits

Through our kids, we have met some incredible people in our community. I love meeting other parents especially ones who have kids our age where we can connect and just understand each other. We may not have exact lives, but the joy and challenges can be very similar.

McKenna / Chateau Elan High School Senior Portraits

McKenna / Chateau Elan High School Senior Portraits

Spring is here…. I love this season because it gives me this feeling of refreshment and renewal! Everything feels so new and in a sense, it makes me feel like there’s a new beginning. It’s no wonder that we spring clean, right?

Josh Senior Portraits / Atlanta Skyline & A Maserati

Josh Senior Portraits / Atlanta Skyline & A Maserati

I feel that since our unique experience in 2020, it has truly opened our eyes on what’s really important in life. I don’t know about you, but it has made me reprioritize things… my needs with family, work and in life in general has changed around a lot for sure.

Kylie Senior Portraits / McDaniel Farm Park & Lake Lanier Islands

Kylie Senior Portraits / McDaniel Farm Park & Lake Lanier Islands

Senior portraits have never meant so much to us… With all that’s going on with schools and the “new world” that we are all trying to adapt to, I’m reminded to step back, slow down and really reevaluate what’s important in our lives.