Atlanta grafitti

Amelia / Atlanta Murals & Basketball Senior Portraits

Amelia / Atlanta Murals & Basketball Senior Portraits

Ok… so, are we seriously this old? What I mean is… We knew this young lady when she was just itty bitty, but now she’s taller than us? What is happening? Just hold up, for real! How is she a SENIOR in high school about to become a superstar in the world of basketball?

Hataway Family / Downtown Atlanta Family Portraits

Hataway Family / Downtown Atlanta Family Portraits

Sometimes it’s mind boggling to me how long we’ve known some people… Hataways for example… I think it’s been like 18 years??? What does 18 years even feel like? What is it supposed to feel like? Well, first of all, it’s even harder to imagine because Stephen + Amber have not aged.

Joshua / Atlanta Skyline and Mural Senior Portraits

Joshua / Atlanta Skyline and Mural Senior Portraits

Time… how and why is it going faster? Not sure if it’s true, but “they” say that there’s a hormone that we get as we get older that literally makes time seem go faster. I’m beginning to believe this more and more because the more I age, the more I can’t keep up with time.

Ijeoma + Chima / The Glen Hotel & Stone Ridge Event Center Wedding

Ijeoma + Chima / The Glen Hotel & Stone Ridge Event Center Wedding

Every time we see one of our couple’s wedding photos, it’s crazy how we can remember it like it was yesterday for us. The photos trigger a special part of our hearts and minds, and we especially remember the unique moments that happened at that wedding. Even if it was a wedding YEARS ago, we still remember!