high school senior

Amelia / Atlanta Murals & Basketball Senior Portraits

Amelia / Atlanta Murals & Basketball Senior Portraits

Ok… so, are we seriously this old? What I mean is… We knew this young lady when she was just itty bitty, but now she’s taller than us? What is happening? Just hold up, for real! How is she a SENIOR in high school about to become a superstar in the world of basketball?

Victoria / West Milford Farm Senior Portraits

Victoria / West Milford Farm Senior Portraits

Senior portraits really hit me differently nowadays because our oldest is only two years away from it… Knowing that and feeling that, we completely understand how sentimental this season is for the seniors and for their parents.

McFerrin Family / The Halcyon Family & Lacrosse Senior Portraits

McFerrin Family / The Halcyon Family & Lacrosse Senior Portraits

Running a business has been quite a journey… there’s never a dull moment and there’s never a time where you can just relax. Whether your business is doing well or not, you have keep going, keep advertising, keep innovating, keep getting leads, keep getting better, etc…

Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Sophia Senior Portrait Session / Suwanee & Sugar Hill

Did you know? Craig and I met while serving at our church’s youth ministry together. We served there because we LOVED it! We both love teenagers… my favorite part is just talking to them and seeing their eyes sparkle as their share their dreams, hopes and goals.

Eryn Senior Portraits / McDaniel Farm Park

Eryn Senior Portraits / McDaniel Farm Park

Few years ago when we did senior portraits, it seemed like another shoot we had to do. But now, it feels so personal and emotional to us because we officially have a teen ourselves. To think that our child would be going through this special year in such a short time is pretty surreal.

C.J. Senior Portraits / High School Track

C.J. Senior Portraits / High School Track

“It’s 2021”, they say…. Whatever the trend may be, whatever beliefs you may have, whatever tradition you want to throw away, there are things that will never change no matter how hard society will try to. For one, it’s God. He is never changing - He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.