Emma's 10th Birthday // The Reason for it All

It's so interesting to see what's important to someone.  I truly believe that everyone has time and money for what's valuable to them.  I don't believe the words, "I can't afford it" or "It's out of my budget.".  I translate those words into "It's not important to me."  I have seen the lowest income people travel world, and I have seen the most wealthy struggle with basic needs.  It's all about where you put value in your life.  

Obrist Family / Portraits In The City & a Surprise Lamborghini

Obrist Family / Portraits In The City & a Surprise Lamborghini

Over the years, we have began many traditions, but taking family portraits is by far my fav.  A "side tradition" that comes from that is me crying from looking at them.  :)  I just can't help it... I look at these photos, and my heart is filled with so many emotions.  I mean, I just don't know whether to just sob and cry my eyeballs out or laugh because I'm so happy, so I just do both.  

Time to Give Back // Supreme Task International - Smash Hunger

Time to Give Back // Supreme Task International - Smash Hunger

"One day, if I ever make this much money, then I will give it to such and such...." was a thought we used to have.  But, we realized that giving doesn't happen under certain circumstances, it happens when you decide to.  With money, no matter where you're at, it's never enough because contentment comes from a sense of gratitude... in fact, they say, "More money, more problems", and that is so true. 

Connect Retreat 2017 // God Wanted Us There

Connect Retreat 2017 // God Wanted Us There

Online, it may seem that our business is everything to us.  It may seem that all we do is go to photo shoots everyday and that all we talk about are weddings and photography.  Yes, we of course love it and it's our passion to be in love with photography and our clients; however, there's something else that we love more and that's each other.  Without our marriage, none of what we do would even matter and it wouldn't exist.

Why We Started Working Out

Why We Started Working Out

We came to a point where we had to make a decision.  A decision for our health... We got tired of making excuses for ourselves.  Saying things like "I just don't have the time....", "I'm too tired to workout.", "I wish I had the leisure and the money to do that.", "I have three children... are you kidding?"  

Well, one thing I've learned over the years and especially in the years of running our business is that everyone has money and time for what's important to them.  You will always find the time and the money for what you want the most.  

Mother's Day 2018 // How I Juggle Being a Full Time Mom and a Full Time Business Owner

Mother's Day 2018 // How I Juggle Being a Full Time Mom and a Full Time Business Owner

"Mommy!  I don't have socks!"

"Mommy!  Do you know where my violin is?"

"Mommy!  Sorry, but I spilled water on the floor.... again."

"Mommy!  Ethan is so annoying!  He keeps messing up my legos!!!!"

"Elli scratched me again!"

I write this blog in hopes that all moms out there can relate to the sounds of the words above.  In hopes that my family is "normal" and that everything is going to be ok.  :)

The Why Behind The What

The Why Behind The What

I think most of us have wondered at one time or another why we are here.  Why we exist… Everyone wants to be “someone”, don’t they?  Everyone dreams of being a “somebody”.  Sometimes, we speak as if we are all working like busy bees for money.

Christmas Card Evolution

Christmas Card Evolution

Christmas... That special time of year where everything seems a bit more cozy... that time of year where we come together as family and reflect on how blessed we are.  That time of year when we get to slow down, catch up with good friends, have quality time with our kids.

Obrist Family Portraits / Stone Mountain Park

Obrist Family Portraits / Stone Mountain Park

When Craig and I first met and began dating, I absolutely hated taking pictures.  No really, I clearly remember having a few arguments about it.  Even back then, he loved taking photos and so when I didn’t want to, he took it as me not wanting to be seen with him or just take pics with him.

How We Work Together and Stay Happily Married Part 2

How We Work Together and Stay Happily Married Part 2

Thank you for the great response from our last blog post!  If you missed it, click here for the first half so that this half will make sense.    As promised, here’s PART 2 on the boundaries that we keep to protect our marriage from our business to keep it balanced and healthy.