Victoria / West Milford Farm Senior Portraits

Senior portraits really hit me differently nowadays because our oldest is only two years away from it… Knowing that and feeling that, we completely understand how sentimental this season is for the seniors and for their parents. Seniors see the beginning of a bright future, but for the parents, we see that too and we are so excited, but we also feel the hurt as well. We just listened an amazing message from our church about letting go to anything that begins with, “My…” One of the example was “My Kids…” Wow, it was such a comforting message, yet my heart was aching that we do have to let our kids go. Getting choked up even while typing this out!

Victoria is Heidi’s younger daughter, so we were so happy that she came back to us after getting her older daughter’s done a couple of years ago. The photos will explain themselves, but Victoria is a stunning young lady with so much ahead of her. And, can we mention her muscles please? When she flexed, I couldn’t but go, “DANG!” lol! She is so fit and such an athlete! We had a wonderful time going around West Milford Farm to get various looks for her, and it was quite a blast! Victoria, we congratulate you! JOB WELL DONE! Heidi, thank you once again for trusting us… we appreciate your support very much, and congratulations to you and your family as well!

With much love,

Craig + Unchong