Alexis + Hunter / Lake Lanier & Downtown Sugar Hill Engagement Portraits

Alexis + Hunter / Lake Lanier & Downtown Sugar Hill Engagement Portraits

They say that laughter is good for the soul. I remember Craig’s smile and his uncontrollable laughter when I began feeling attracted to him more than 18 years ago. That same smile still gets me today and it’s just as contagious.

Vanessa + James / Ventanas Atlanta Wedding

Vanessa + James / Ventanas Atlanta Wedding

You can sense someone’s joy right away when you meet them. Some people just have these smiles that are irresistible… it’s contagious and you can’t help but smile yourself. Vanessa + James were both like that on their wedding day.

Alyssa + Tito / Piedmont Park & Atlanta Skyline Engagement Portraits

Alyssa + Tito / Piedmont Park & Atlanta Skyline Engagement Portraits

Recently, it dawned on me that we no longer have babies. Our oldest is 13 and our younger two are 10 and 8. They’re definitely “big kids” now, and we are now officially in a different stage of parenting. When we see parents with strollers, we can’t believe that it seems like that season was so long ago for us.

Carly + Christian / Ashton Gardens Atlanta & Sugar Hill Wedding

Carly + Christian / Ashton Gardens Atlanta & Sugar Hill Wedding

Everyone looks forward to a new year… it symbolizes a new beginning, a fresh start and we can all use that especially from 2020. For our family, we have an extra celebration on New Year’s Day because it’s also our son’s birthday! I know, isn’t that crazy wild?

Marian + Brian / Millennium Gate & Mercedes Benz Stadium Engagement Portraits Atlanta

Marian + Brian / Millennium Gate & Mercedes Benz Stadium Engagement Portraits Atlanta

Everyone has a gift… a gift that God has generously given them to have and to use. Some people choose not to use them and that’s truly an unfortunate thing. But, someone people do and when you see that in use, it blesses everyone around them.

Amanda + Eric / The Tate House Wedding

Amanda + Eric / The Tate House Wedding

Have you heard of the phrase, “Go big or go home?” Well, if you haven’t for some reason, this wedding is a good example of that. Everything that Amanda + Eric did for their wedding was amazing. They did not settle for less in any area and rightly so! First and foremost, the most important aspect of a wedding day have been and always will be the bride and her wedding dress.

Lenore + Goke / The Georgian Terrace Atlanta Wedding

Lenore + Goke / The Georgian Terrace Atlanta Wedding

First blog post since the coronavirus officially shook our nation. I contemplated on how to begin this one… I wondered if I should even write it? I wondered if I did that I’m not being sensitive to those who are having to reschedule weddings…

Hailey + Gabriel / Callanwolde Fine Arts Wedding Atlanta

Hailey + Gabriel / Callanwolde Fine Arts Wedding Atlanta

Weddings aren’t just our “business”… it’s our life! We don’t just see weddings on the weekends, we see it and breathe it every single day. Many people have asked us if we ever get sick of it? Tired of it? Or even just get bored of it… When you shoot 40 weddings a year (for the last 11 years), you would think that we would, right? But, it’s crazy how we absolutely don’t… we honestly and genuinely don’t.

Doria + Dexter / Downtown Decatur & Mercedes Benz Stadium Engagement Portraits

Doria + Dexter / Downtown Decatur & Mercedes Benz Stadium Engagement Portraits

In a person, character is everything. Don’t you agree? Our society may put a lot of value in fame, money, looks, materials and just stuff, but you know what? In the end, it’s your heart that matters the most. Day in and day out, we meet new people.

Bonneville Salt Flats, UT // #ObristAdventures Summer 2021

Bonneville Salt Flats, UT // #ObristAdventures Summer 2021

Utah… the state that we’ve all only heard of, but dreamed of going especially in the past year. Craig has been watching a lot of Youtube videos of all the hiking trails in Zion National Park, so that was a must do for him. For me, getting a family shot at the Salt Flats was a must ever since he showed me online, so even though these two locations were pretty far from one another and the flats were out of our route, we made it a point to make the extra drive to make this happen.