Darby + Cody / Ponce City Market Engagement

Darby + Cody / Ponce City Market Engagement

When people feel comfortable, they act differently.  It's no wonder that for the majority of us, when we are at home, we are comfortable... therefore, we tend to (or not) do things that we won't usually do in public.  Well, as professional photographers, one of our jobs is to make our clients feel "at home" and comfortable with us and in front of the camera.  

Emma's 10th Birthday // The Reason for it All

It's so interesting to see what's important to someone.  I truly believe that everyone has time and money for what's valuable to them.  I don't believe the words, "I can't afford it" or "It's out of my budget.".  I translate those words into "It's not important to me."  I have seen the lowest income people travel world, and I have seen the most wealthy struggle with basic needs.  It's all about where you put value in your life.  

Diana + Marcus / Roswell Mill Waterfall Engagement Portraits

Diana + Marcus / Roswell Mill Waterfall Engagement Portraits

I love it when couples choose their engagement portraits location because it means something to them.  Diana asked for a waterfall, but I just thought that that's simply what she wanted.  But on the day of the shoot, as we were walking through the VERY muddy path to get to this waterfall, we learned that Diana LOVES waterfalls.  

Obrist Family / Portraits In The City & a Surprise Lamborghini

Obrist Family / Portraits In The City & a Surprise Lamborghini

Over the years, we have began many traditions, but taking family portraits is by far my fav.  A "side tradition" that comes from that is me crying from looking at them.  :)  I just can't help it... I look at these photos, and my heart is filled with so many emotions.  I mean, I just don't know whether to just sob and cry my eyeballs out or laugh because I'm so happy, so I just do both.  

Laura + David / Four Seasons Atlanta Wedding

Laura + David / Four Seasons Atlanta Wedding

The first and the last of anything is so important and memorable... Laura + David's wedding was our last wedding of 2017.  Our 37th... Every year on our last wedding, we can't help but feel fulfilled and overwhelmed at what the year brought us.  We want to give it our extra best so that we can finish strong and well.  This was our first wedding at Four Season Hotel and my gosh was it beautiful or what?  

Stephanie + Bryan / The Avalon and A Sunset Engagement

Stephanie + Bryan / The Avalon and A Sunset Engagement

Our next bride, Stephanie, is quite special to us in many ways... Can't believe that we're saying this, but we have been knowing her since she was little.  Like really little!  Through our church, we got to know her amazing family.... and to this day, we admire them so much.  Well, one day, Stephanie was all grown up and started working at the same church that we used to.

Maggie + Kody / Sweet Meadow Farm Wedding

Maggie + Kody / Sweet Meadow Farm Wedding

If you know us, we are crazy about Disney!  And, we do believe that it's the happiest place on Earth just like they advertise. :) We have been there many times with our kids, but honestly, I think we enjoy it more than our children.  :)  Well, our next couple, Maggie + Kody, feel the same way about this magical place, so we knew that we were a great match!  When you have something especially a hobby in common, you can't help but bond and relate.  

Leah + Kevin / McDaniel Farm Park Engagement x2

Leah + Kevin / McDaniel Farm Park Engagement x2

As you can imagine, what we do is heavily dependent upon the weather... One of our morning rituals is to check the hourly, daily and the weekly forecast.  If there's any chance of rain or other bad weather that could affect our portrait sessions, we contact our clients with our concern immediately to communicate what other options can be.  But, how many of you know that Mr. Weatherman can be wrong sometimes?  

Time to Give Back // Supreme Task International - Smash Hunger

Time to Give Back // Supreme Task International - Smash Hunger

"One day, if I ever make this much money, then I will give it to such and such...." was a thought we used to have.  But, we realized that giving doesn't happen under certain circumstances, it happens when you decide to.  With money, no matter where you're at, it's never enough because contentment comes from a sense of gratitude... in fact, they say, "More money, more problems", and that is so true.