Where do I even begin with Stephanie + Bryan? How about... we go way back. Well, with Stephanie anyways. Back to when she was a little girl. We all used to all attend the same church, a church that we still like to call home, Victory World Church.
Chucky + David / Chukkar Farm Polo Club Wedding
Sade + Mandela / Piedmont Park & High Museum Engagement
You guys may think that we hold modeling auditions before booking our clients, right? I mean, aren't our clients seriously some beautiful people or what? They look like they've been modeling for years and are very comfortable in front of the camera. Sade + Mandela definitely acted like this which made our job super duper easy peasy. :)
Sarah + Anthony / The Carl House Wedding
Audrienne + Corderell / Life University & Buckhead Engagement
Collab Fun // Viva La Jewels
One of the most exciting things that our business has brought to our lives are opportunities to connect and meet new people, business owners and companies, big and small. Over the years, there have been many collaborations, features and publications that we have been part of... so much that we can't even post everything about them anymore!
Christina + Peter / Piedmont Park Engagement
Corey + Joseph / Piedmont Park & Atlanta Skyline Engagement
When did Spring ever begin at the end of April in Georgia? We all know that we've been experiencing unusual weather this year, but it's slowly, but surely becoming Hotlanta again! I didn't ever think that I would miss the heat, but I guess I've become a true Southerner, and that heat is feeling good.
Michele + Jung / Callanwolde Fine Arts Center Engagement
The older I get, the more I realize how small our world is. Until we met Michele + Jung, we didn't know that we had so many mutual friends! It's neat how much closer you feel to that person when you have something in common - they call that a "me too" moment, and it literally makes you feel more comfortable with that person.