Brittany + Tyree / Lenox Park & Grand Hyatt Buckhead Engagement Portraits

Brittany + Tyree / Lenox Park & Grand Hyatt Buckhead Engagement Portraits

This season with the virus has been a difficult season one way or another for everyone. We all have different opinions about it, but one thing we have in common for sure is that it has affected us all. For us too, it has been hard… some days are harder than others.

Pauline + Sean / Piedmont Park and Fox Theater Engagement Portraits

Pauline + Sean / Piedmont Park and Fox Theater Engagement Portraits

I know I’ve said this so many times, but we seriously have the best brides and grooms. We truly do, and I can’t express enough how blessed we feel by that. Craig came home from Pauline + Sean’s shoot with a new vest on, and I was like, “Where did you get that from?

Lakeya + Jermaine / Buckhead & Outcast Mural Engagement Portraits

Lakeya + Jermaine / Buckhead & Outcast Mural Engagement Portraits

To be honest with you, sometimes I’ve wondered if posting on Instagram, Facebook, writing blogs, emails or anything like that “works”. Is it doing anything for our business? Is it making any kind of impact? Is anyone really reading the stuff we write?

Lindsey + Brandon / Lake Lanier Maternity Portraits

Lindsey + Brandon / Lake Lanier Maternity Portraits

I think we all have a sixth sense in knowing if someone is being true to you… if someone genuinely loves you. I’m currently reading the book, “Holy Sprit” by John Bevere and he explains the Holy Spirit in ways I’ve never been taught before.

Brittany + Patrick / Tallulah Gorge State Park Waterfall Engagement

Brittany + Patrick / Tallulah Gorge State Park Waterfall Engagement

The more I’m married to Craig, the more I realize how thankful I am that he’s FUN! I’m telling you… if our kids just had me, they would have the most boring life. Naturally, I’m such a home body and just content with doing what I gotta do.

Lindsay + Ben / Lake Oconee Engagement Portraits

Lindsay + Ben / Lake Oconee Engagement Portraits

Even though home is sweet and we all know that, we’ve been spending a lot of time at home, so it was so good to get away for a little while from our local area to Lake Oconee to see Lindsay + Ben! If I had to describe this shoot in one word, it would be “peaceful”.

Carly + Christian / Cator Woolford Gardens & Ponce City Rooftop Sunset Engagement

Carly + Christian / Cator Woolford Gardens & Ponce City Rooftop Sunset Engagement

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandant greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

Adaugo + Allen / Cator Woolford Gardens & Piedmont Park Engagement

Adaugo + Allen / Cator Woolford Gardens & Piedmont Park Engagement

As I’m sure that many of you have, I’ve learned countless things during this special season in our world. One thing I’ve noticed is that people who are successful stay successful no matter what. The thing that carries them through any circumstance is their character.

Lindsay + Tony / Jackson St. Bridge Atlanta Skyline & Outcast Mural Engagement

Lindsay + Tony / Jackson St. Bridge Atlanta Skyline & Outcast Mural Engagement

God’s timing is always perfect. He doesn’t miss a beat. Sometimes, I don’t understand it, but I trust in Him because I’m not capable of comprehending His omnipotence. As we are all aware, our nation is going through a heartache, and we are hurting. The timing of this blog post is not a coincidence to me because of who this post is about, and it’s about Lindsay + Tony!

Sheena + Miguel / St. Regis Atlanta Wedding

Sheena + Miguel / St. Regis Atlanta Wedding

2020… I don’t think there’s anyone who can deny that it’s been a difficult year and we are only half way there. We have all faced obstacles and challenges as a nation and in fact, as the world. Sometimes I wonder if I even need to express that “I’m stressed out.” because who isn’t?