THREE Personalized Christmas Gift Ideas that your peeps will love!

THREE Personalized Christmas Gift Ideas that your peeps will love!

We are totally into November and you know what that means! Christmas is literally just around the corner and there’s no getting around it. ;) Christmas definitely means that we are totally celebrating the birth of Jesus, but in our culture, it also means presents!

Kassi + PJ / North Georgia and a Waterfall Engagement

Kassi + PJ / North Georgia and a Waterfall Engagement

A little road trip… I think everyone needs that once in awhile! It’s so neat to me how within just a matter of an hour or two, you can really find some beautiful places around you! Sometimes, we think that we have to make a long, expensive trip out of the country to get what you call a “nice” vacation, but it’s so not true!

Marjorie + Chris / Lake Lanier Islands Wedding

Marjorie + Chris / Lake Lanier Islands Wedding

Through our small group at church, we’ve been doing a personality study, and I’m once again fascinated! This is my third time studying it in depth, and just when I thought I knew it all, my mind is blown! I appreciate personalities so much because it makes me understand and love others in ways I couldn’t have had I not known these discoveries.

Natacha + Freud / The Venue at Friendship Springs Wedding

Natacha + Freud / The Venue at Friendship Springs Wedding

One of the things that I dream of doing is travel the world…. I mean they say, “It’s a small world”, but to me, it’s SO BIG at the same time. Traveling has not become a priority of mine until about 3 years ago. I was pretty much a homebody and didn’t really feel a great need to see everything.

Traci + Stephen / The Barn at Little River | Little River Farms Engagement Portraits

Traci + Stephen / The Barn at Little River | Little River Farms Engagement Portraits

Vision… in order to achieve anything, you must have it. Even in God’s word, it says that without a vision, you will perish. I don’t know about you, but perishing is the last thing I want to do! I begin with this because from the beginning, Traci and Steve had a strong vision for their shoot.

Katherine + Aaron / The Avalon & A Random Field Engagement Portraits :)

Katherine + Aaron / The Avalon & A Random Field Engagement Portraits :)

Have you heard of the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are?” One of the things my pastor mentions often is that “You are an average of the 5 people that you hang out with the most.” I agree with these two statement 110% and as parents, we always emphasize to our kids how important it is to make good friends.

Lerissa + AJ / The Westin Savannah & The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Wedding

Lerissa + AJ / The Westin Savannah & The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Wedding

Come what may…

You know, life isn’t easy. For anyone. If there’s one thing that’s fair about life, that’s it… We all have to overcome obstacles somehow, someway and conquer the things that try to get in the way of our plans.

Leah + Christian / The Biltmore Ballroom Atlanta Wedding

Leah + Christian / The Biltmore Ballroom Atlanta Wedding

Customer service… yes, that’s a big part of business. In fact, in my opinion, that is the heartbeat of any business. Because in the end, what matters is people. People may think that they’re purchasing some”thing” or a product, but it’s really the experience. What they “feel” is what they’re investing in. If it doesn’t make them feel good, it will not be a good purchase.